Magazine Online    The Authority On African-American Conventions, Incentives, & Leisure Travel


Pittsburgh Dining: It's The Whole Enchilada
While press coverage has made Pittsburgh synonymous with "hip," the success and creativity of local chefs hasn't gone unnoticed.
National Black Political Convention Slated For June 9 - 12
Forty-four years ago, Black America descended on Gary, Indiana to join the City's residents and their first Black mayor for a convention to address the needs of the people.
Most Influential African-Americans In Meetings/Tourism Industry
As we do every year around this time, Black Meetings & tourism will again review the progress and success of those African-Americans who continue to make significant strides in our industry.
A View From The Top: CVB Heads Annual Report On State Of The Industry
As the travel and meetings market responds to world events and an ever-evolving economy, we feel it prudent to pause from time to time to assess what impact all these occurrences are having on our industry.
Walking Cities
It's a fact! Planners and their delegates don't want to sit cooped up in a conference room for three or four days, no matter how well the seminars are organized and how valuable the information they offer.
Publisher's Message
As the new year unfolds and the presidential election cycle revs up to a near fever pitch, I wanted to spread the word that Black Meetings & Tourism
African-American Guide To Meetings, Incentives & Traveling In The Northeast
It's easy to list the many things that make the Northeast such an interesting travel destination. You've got the dazzling fall foliage
8 Wondrous Hot Water Spas In Greater Palm Springs
Relaxing Spa Treatments That Soothe and Rejuvenate
African-American Reunions Mean Big Bucks For Savvy Marketers describes the word reunion as, "…a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation…the act or process of coming together again…"
Waterfront Meeting Locations For Memorable Events
Want your business meetings, corporate events, conventions, and other types of group gatherings to garner you lots of praise and appreciation from attendees and board members?
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