In Your Own Words |
How To Unlock The Hidden Genius In Your Organization
Every organization has brilliant people who are "under the radar." They are the geniuses who may not look like everyone else,
3 Reasons It's Wise To Spend Time With Those Who Are Different From Us
Americans may be living in an echo chamber.
Why Don't We Have The Politics Of The Possible Anymore?
In 1954, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP-the value of all goods and services produced in the United States)
Black Lives Matter Campaign Launched Next Steps!
The United States of America has marked yet another embarrassing moment in its history books. As the world has closely watched countless African-Americans
Bl;ack Entrepreneur And Author Challanges The View Of Black Male Crisis In America
Author of "Black Men Rock," Defends: "Men Are Not The Problem!"
Yet Another Sore Spot
On Aug. 9, police in Ferguson, Missouri shot Michael Brown to death, an unarmed Black teenager.
A Statement From Terrie M. Williams Black Pain: We're Dying And We're Hurting
The senseless murder of another unarmed Black man has once again ripped open the wounds of a nation.
Perception Of Equality
A recent interview of Morgan Freeman by CNN host Don Lemon lit a firestorm of conversation.
Inequality And The 1 Percent Rule
In what should be considered standing logic on its end, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that while public colleges have an interest in having a racially diverse student body,
A 'Sterling' Example Of Confusion
Let me get my disclaimer out of the way first... The U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC) is a business organization.
"My Brother's Keeper" From A Single Father And Business Owner's Perspective
I must admit, being a single father of two Black boys isn't easy, especially since my wife passed away 12 years ago.
Black Women In The U.S. Progress Made, But Key Areas Need Dire National Attention And Urgent Action
A report released recently by Black Women's Roundtable Public Policy Network (BWR), Black Women in the U.S., 2014
5 Things To Remember About Celebrating Black History Month
The month of February has long been dubbed the celebratory month for African-American History. Its origin can be traced back to Carter G. Woodson who is affectionately called the Father of Black History Month.
What Will (Y)our Legacy Look like?
As America begins the annual ritual of "celebrating" the countless achievements of African Americans during the February observance of Black History Month
Op-Ed By Ben Jealous: Department Of Justice Petition One Million People
Religious Liberty And Inclusion
By the mid-1960s, the civil rights movement had made significant cultural, legal and political progress in advancing the cause of racial justice and equality under the law
How Female CEOs Can 'Lead With Impact'
3 Ways To Set Yourself Apart From The Competition
Report Shows Jim Crow Divide In Job Opportunities Offers Race Equitable Solutions For Job Creation Efforts
A new report by the Center for Social Inclusion (CSI) shows Jim Crow still exists today in the job market, where more Black and Latino workers are cast as second-class workers, over-represented in low-skill, low-wage occupations with limited chances to move up the ladder of opportunity.
Despite Claims Of A "Post-Racial" Society, Widespread Bias Continue In America
Recent public opinion polls show that more whites than African-Americans believe that the United States has entered a “post-racial” era in which racial bias doesn’t exist.
Was 'Birther' Just Code For Racist?
Former Secret Service Agent Says Civil Rights Battle is Far From Over Some political pundits have tiptoed around it, while others won’t even head fake in its direction.