Simplifies Tasks For Office & Event Managers
A new technical design for laser sheets by Badgetec has extended the functionality of laser and inkjet printers for IDs, name badges and other “wearable” tags. The laser sheets are all-in-one, meaning they include the “visual display” as well as attachment holder. They are printable sheets made of heavy cardstock or white polyester, and diecut in a variety of shapes. Slots are punched at the top of each tag for the garment attachment, which can be a clip or lanyard. Being
Waste-Free™ is an important feature for the sheet, which is designed to have no waste material in-between the diecut tags. This reduces the work of issuing the tags, produces more tags per sheet along with eliminating plastic badge holders. Only certain tag shapes can be diecut as Waste-Free™ designs, including squares, rectangles and hexagons. The photograph shows the laser sheet with square tags which is 100% Waste-Free™ and contains twelve 2 ¾” tags.
Badgetec’s easier-to-use personal tags attach to garments with a new “paperclip-like” clip. The clip is clothing-safe and attaches the nametag directly to garments without adhesives, pins or plastic holders (no pins-no holes). Called the Contour Clip®, it uses two flat fingers similar to paperclips that clamp over an edge of the collar, lapel or pocket. Furthermore, because the badge or tag is attached directly by the round bowtie post on the clip, the tag rotates to remain straight - permitting the tag to be attached in any orientation on the garment. This is important for women as well as always appearing professional in photographs and videos. The Contour Clip®, being the first new clothing attachment developed in almost 100 years, was recently patented as it eliminates the earlier pins and alligator clips used when fabrics were less delicate and safety was less important.
Today’s IDs and personal tags can provide more information than just names, such as barcodes, QR Codes, along with marketing/advertising/emergency information on the back. These facilitate mobile media scanning during face-to-face events, school functions, tours, etc. Without plastic holders, badges and personal tags are lower cost, lightweight (only 3 grams) and easier-to-wear. In addition, these standard size sheets can be printed using Microsoft Word (AVERY®) templates on most office laser/inkjet printers. One then simply separates the tags from the sheet and issues them.
BADGETEC was established in 2010. Headquartered in New York, Badgetec is a socially and environmentally responsible developer and manufacturer of eco-friendly products, providing recyclable and/or reusable cost-effective products, appropriate for their purpose while maintaining professional quality. All products are made in the USA. For more information and inquiries, visit, email, or phone (877) 403-7797.