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Once again Haiti is experiencing another catastrophe. On Saturday, August 14, 2021, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck at 8:20 p.m. According to the latest report from officials in the country's Office of Civil Protection, they have already received data placing the death toll at 1300 thus far. In addition, 5,800 houses confirmed destroyed in the most affected areas; however, every minute they receive new reports of areas showing more and more damage. The Lambi staff is in direct contact with the Regional Monitor in the South, Saint-Cyr, who has also suffered significant loss as his family home in Dori has collapsed.


The Lambi Fund of has an urgent need to provide assistance to the victims our service population in the South in the form of water, food and other basic supplies. People are in dire need of food, as a result of the destruction of their properties.


Your tax-deductible donation will be used to:

Provide Haitians with financial resources and technical training to launch locally-led projects THAT promote economic justice, democracy and sustainable development,  and empower hard-working Haitians to become stewards of their own future.


To donate, please visit and support your Haitian brothers and sister!
