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National Urban League Delivers Resumes Of Qualified African-Americans To Senate While Calling For Increased Staff Diversity

The National Urban League Washington Bureau recently delivered resumes of qualified African-Americans ready to assume senior positions as Chiefs of Staff, Legislative Directors, and Communications Directors to Senate Leaders and Members representing states with a high percentage of minority residents.

In a letter accompanying the resume drop, National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial wrote, “At the core of economic civil rights is the idea that all people should have access to jobs for which they are qualified. Despite the progress this country has made related to corporate diversity and inclusion, our Congress, specifically the U.S. Senate, has failed to move the needle when it comes to diversity and inclusion. This is deeply concerning and an embarrassment to our country. While policy decisions affecting all Americans are debated in the halls of Congress, persons of color are largely absent in top‐level staff positions. Thus, on issues like education, the economy, health care, and decisions of war and peace, Members of Congress are legislating without the perspectives of black and brown staff.”

Mr. Morial went on to state, “In furtherance of our efforts, please find attached hard and soft copies of senior level resumes. These are the resumes of African Americans and other persons of color who are qualified for and prepared to interview for senior staff level vacancies. We are hopeful that by reviewing this list, you and other Members will see that there is a plethora of qualified and trained individuals for these positions.”

Last month, the National Urban League Washington Bureau held a panel luncheon at the U.S. Senate on the importance of senior staff diversity and ways offices can practically achieve the goal of full representation.

“The handful of resumes that we sent to two dozen offices today are just a drop in the bucket of a deep and wide talent pool capable of serving in senior Senate positions,” said Don Cravins, Jr., Senior Vice President for Policy at the National Urban League and Executive Director of the Washington Bureau.  “Our goal is to continue to beat the drum on this disparity, not to shame anyone, but to rightly hold the Senate to the same level of accountability that we do private organizations and other branches of government.  We want to serve as a resource in identifying black and brown candidates.  I truly hope that Members will take us up on our offer.”