San Francisco's leading Black business organization has told the San Francisco Travel Association the boycott of San Francisco's tourism and hospitality industry is not over.
Fred Jordan, president of the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce, informed
Joe D'Alessandro, president of
San Francisco Travel, "The Chamber's concerns and demands have not been addressed and we want to make it clear that until they are, this boycott is not over."
San Francisco Travel sat down with the SF NAACP, members of the community, representatives of the mayor's office and board members of the SFAACC to begin a dialogue on the lack of African-American inclusion in San Francisco Travel's promotions, board positions, staffing and outreach. San Francisco Travel set up committees to come up with recommendations by April 30th. San Francisco Travel then decided to circumvent the Chamber, negotiate with other community organizations and issue a press release that the boycott issues were resolved.

"We want to make it crystal clear", said Jordan, "the boycott is on". "We will continue to fight for equity for our community and opportunities for African-American businesses in San Francisco."
Although the Chamber reluctantly supported the creation of San Francisco Travel's ad hoc committees, Dr. Caesar Churchwell, Sr. Vice President of the Chamber stated, "There is really no need for any new committees or discussions. The City has been conducting meetings and studies for years. The problems and potential solutions were identified five years ago." Churchwell was referring to two reports issued by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission:
Report of the San Francisco Mayor's Task Force on
African American Out-Migration published in 2009, and the
Comparative Review and Analysis of Equity and Diversity
released November 2011.
Since 1993, the City has conducted numerous studies with recommendations on how to support the economic growth of the African-American community and slow the out-migration of African-Americans from San Francisco - an exodus unparalleled by any other major American city. Among the recommendations of the 2011 report was the following:
Establish an African-American economic development district in the city to serve as the center of a new tourism area that will attract tourists in the same way as a Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf or other locations central to the tourist economy.
Phase One of the boycott, requesting African-American meetings and conventions to not come to San Francisco, is in full swing and has garnered the support of at least 10 large associations with potential revenues of approximately $32 million, with more signing on each month. Although the second phase of the boycott has been postponed pending the outcome of negotiations with San Francisco Travel and the City, Phase Two - targeting educational associations - will be implemented on April 1, if no serious progress has been made.
"The San Francisco African American Chamber called for the boycott and only the Chamber can call it off. We have a responsibility to our members and our community to ensure that they have access to the same opportunities as other businesses in San Francisco. Right now, that is simply not the case", stated Churchwell.
The Chamber's concerns regarding the lifestyle of African-Americans in San Francisco go far beyond the tourism and hospitality industry. Over the past 30 years, the African-American population in San Francisco has dropped from 14% to 3%, yet over 50% of the City jail inmates are African-American - a direct result of a lack of job opportunities. Residents of Bayview Hunter's Point have a life expectancy that is 14 years less than residents of Pacific Heights, and just 50% of African-American children are graduating from San Francisco high schools. The Chamber wants the mayor's office and the Board of Supervisors to take immediate action and pay more than lip service to these issues. "When it comes to being progressive, talk is cheap" says Churchwell. |